Automated Tender Management

Win more business - faster, smarter.

Win more business
- faster, smarter.

Win more business
- faster, smarter.

Streamline answer creation, collaborate in real-time and gain insights on winning bid strategies.

All powered with the latest AI technology.

Powered with the latest AI technology.

Start improving your tender process in just three steps

Start improving your tender process in just three steps

Create a knowledge bank

Train our system using previous tender replies, policies, product descriptions, and other documents you currently reference for information.

Create a knowledge bank

Train our system using previous tender replies, policies, product descriptions, and other documents you currently reference for information.

Create a knowledge bank

Train our system using previous tender replies, policies, product descriptions, and other documents you currently reference for information.

Create a knowledge bank

Train our system using previous tender replies, policies, product descriptions, and other documents you currently reference for information.

Upload a new tender

We'll analyze the tender document and extract all relevant information, focusing on the requirements and questions they want you to address.

Upload a new tender

We'll analyze the tender document and extract all relevant information, focusing on the requirements and questions they want you to address.

Upload a new tender

We'll analyze the tender document and extract all relevant information, focusing on the requirements and questions they want you to address.

Upload a new tender

We'll analyze the tender document and extract all relevant information, focusing on the requirements and questions they want you to address.

Generate a first draft

In just minutes, you'll have a first draft for each question, based on the knowledge bank we created earlier. Focus on refining the answers rather than hunting for information from co-workers.

Generate a first draft

In just minutes, you'll have a first draft for each question, based on the knowledge bank we created earlier. Focus on refining the answers rather than hunting for information from co-workers.

Generate a first draft

In just minutes, you'll have a first draft for each question, based on the knowledge bank we created earlier. Focus on refining the answers rather than hunting for information from co-workers.

Generate a first draft

In just minutes, you'll have a first draft for each question, based on the knowledge bank we created earlier. Focus on refining the answers rather than hunting for information from co-workers.


Unlock key features for improving higher productivity.

Track your progress

Progress tracking is a crucial feature in a task management app as it allows users.

Never work alone

Collaborating has never been easier. Invite any co-worker or subject matter expert to contribute with their expertise to perfect your response.


1 files

Save time - time and time again

Rest assured, you'll submit the best possible answer. Our AI delivers a comprehensive first draft in minutes, allowing you to perfect a winning proposal.

Work from your favorite apps

Tendoer integrates with all the apps you already use. It can search through documents to find the right answers and communicate via common channels.

Pricing and plans

Explore and choose the perfect plan for your needs.

20% off




Getting started? Try us out, the first 30 days are on us.


per month


5 tender projects and 100 AI-generated answers per month

2 admins and unlimited guest answer contributors

Unlimited documents in the Knowledge bank

Unlimited integrations to 3rd party tools

Email support

For small to medium-sized businesses


Unlimited access to powerful AI tools and integrations.


per month

Most Popular

All Basic features, plus…

Unlimited tender projects and AI-generated answers per month

Unlimited admins and collaborators

Personal onboarding

Extended support

For the professionals bid teams


Customized solutions & advanced features at tailored pricing.


All Pro features, plus…

Single Sign-On


Customized integrations

Dedicated success manager

Above and beyond

20% off




Getting started? Try us out, the first 30 days are on us.


per month


5 tender projects and 100 AI-generated answers per month

2 admins and unlimited guest answer contributors

Unlimited documents in the Knowledge bank

Unlimited integrations to 3rd party tools

Email support

For small to medium-sized businesses


Unlimited access to powerful AI tools and integrations.


per month

Most Popular

All Basic features, plus…

Unlimited tender projects and AI-generated answers per month

Unlimited admins and collaborators

Personal onboarding

Extended support

For the professionals bid teams


Customized solutions & advanced features at tailored pricing.


All Pro features, plus…

Single Sign-On


Customized integrations

Dedicated success manager

Above and beyond

20% off




Getting started? Try us out, the first 30 days are on us.


per month


5 tender projects and 100 AI-generated answers per month

2 admins and unlimited guest answer contributors

Unlimited documents in the Knowledge bank

Unlimited integrations to 3rd party tools

Email support

For small to mid-sized businesses


Unlimited access to powerful AI tools and integrations.


per month

Most Popular

All Basic features, plus…

Unlimited tender projects and AI-generated answers per month

Unlimited admins and collaborators

Personal onboarding

Extended support

For the professionals bid teams


Customized solutions & advanced features at tailored pricing.


All Pro features, plus…

Single Sign-On


Customized integrations

Dedicated success manager

Above and beyond

20% off




Getting started? Try us out, the first 30 days are on us.


per month


5 tender projects and 100 AI-generated answers per month

2 admins and unlimited guest answer contributors

Unlimited documents in the Knowledge bank

Unlimited integrations to 3rd party tools

Email support

For small to medium-sized businesses


Unlimited access to powerful AI tools and integrations.


per month

Most Popular

All Basic features, plus…

Unlimited tender projects and AI-generated answers per month

Unlimited admins and collaborators

Personal onboarding

Extended support

For the professionals bid teams


Customized solutions & advanced features at tailored pricing.


All Pro features, plus…

Single Sign-On


Customized integrations

Dedicated success manager

Above and beyond

Full money-back guarantee

100% Secured payment

Completely automated tendering

Try Tendoer today

Welcome to a new era of seamless tender management! Join Tendoer for free today and embark on a journey towards increased sales.

Try Tendoer today

Welcome to a new era of seamless tender management! Join Tendoer for free today and embark on a journey towards increased sales.

Try Tendoer today

Welcome to a new era of seamless tender management! Join Tendoer for free today and embark on a journey towards increased sales.

Try Tendoer today

Welcome to a new era of seamless tender management! Join Tendoer for free today and embark on a journey towards increased sales.

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© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved by Brainbyte Sweden AB

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© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved by Brainbyte Sweden AB